Delivery Information - Parapharmacie : Pharmacie et Parapharmacie en ligne, DISCOUNT

Carriage costs are calculated according to the country of delivery with The Post.
They are contractual and do not depend on the amount or the volume of your order.

The carriage costs for the Metropolitan France are offered to you starting from 61 euros of purchase. Here the detail of the carriage costs, calculated in addition price of the articles.

Secured payment by bank card or cheque.

Your products delivered on your premise under 2 to 5 days in Colissimo Suivi, which allows you constantly to know where is your order on the site
Your products delivered under 4 to 7 days in colissimo suivi

Your products delivered under 4 to 7 days in colissimo suivi

DOM-TOM: under 7 to 10 days

Secured payment by bank card.
Your products delivered under 8 to 12 days

Nevertheless, It may be possible that one or more products may be unavailable for a certain period. In that case, Parapharmanet will carry out the refunding of the unavailable products.


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