Products Le Comptoir Aroma Aromatherapy essentials oils organic - Parapharmacy - Parapharmacie : Pharmacie et Parapharmacie en ligne, DISCOUNT

Le Comptoir Aroma

There are 5 products.
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 items
  • Citronella solution for diffuser multi -use Géranium Le...

    Citronella solution for diffuser multi -use Géranium Le Comptoir Aroma with organics essentials oils indications : summer afflictions flask 30 ml

  • Citronella Body Milk 2 in 1 bio Le comptoir Aroma

    Perfumed oil Grapefruit HEI POA 200 ml Real Perfumed oil of Tahiti Limited edition 20 000 copies Discover the freshness of the green Grapefruit, a surprising perfumed oil HeiPOA and envoutant Oil Multi-use (hydration and massage) Bodies and Hair Made in France Flask 200 ml

  • Citronella Body Milk 2 in 1 bio Le comptoir Aroma

    Citronella Lait corps 2 in 1 bio The counter Aroma consisted of biological essential oil of citronella, cedar wood, geranium, lavandin, lemongrass, verbena tea Enriched in Aloe vera in the moisturizing properties. Product of natural origin. Without Alcohol. Spray 50 ml

    7,49 €
  • Spray ambiant Citronella Le comptoir Aroma

    Ambiant spray Citronella Geranium Le counter Aroma Spray against the troubles of the summer, in Organic essential oil. This spray associates 6 biological essential oil of Citronella, Geranium, Spike lavender, Peppermint, lemony Eucalyptus and Cedar wood traditionally used to cross evenings summer quiet. Produced 100 % of natural origin Spray of 50 ml.

    9,08 €
  • Balm Respir'baby with essentials oils Le Comptoir Aroma

    Balm Respir'baby with essentials organic oils Le Comptoir AromaBalm Respir'baby is a massage balm for the respiratory comfort  with Ravintsara and thyme linalol, mallow, plantain & propolis.50 ml / tube


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