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ZAP X kills the Lices Destroyed nits immediately Alternative shock in the treatment Box of one ZAP' X Z100
Model : MX one Baby Nose Cleaner A baby nose cleaner very innovating with an hygienic disposable cap. Soft, efficient, clean and soothing for baby ! - 3 hypoallergenic probe Contents 1 model MX one + 3 hypoallergnic probes + 25 hygienic disposale caps+ 2 batteries AA 1.5 V
Thermobib Thermomètre for feeding-bottle VM-BIB 2 bib WIDE Visiomed The thermobib indicates when the temperature is optimal; Fast and easy control of the temperature of the feeding-bottle. Liquid crystal display. ThermoBib VM-BIB2 is conceived for feeding-bottles with wide neck. He can also indicate you the temperature of baby's small jars. Box of 1...
Discover the importance of sun protection and how it plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin. This article...